About Us
Christchurch Roof Restorations is a family-owned company where we pride ourselves on detailed work, ensuring repeat and referral business from our loyal customers. We offer upfront fixed prices for all our clients for your piece of mind (fixed price services attached)
We specialise in all aspects of roof and exterior house maintenance, Including....
Roof Painting - Full roof repaints of all roof materials. All backed up by a 15 year Wattyl Solagard warrentee
Gutter Cleaning - We offer a comprehensive gutter cleaning service using our gutter vac vacuum system and supply before and after photos for your piece of mind.
Roof and Gutter Repairs- We carry out all roof and gutter repairs including pvc gutter repairs / part replacements as required, concrete tile mortar repairs and broken concrete tile replacements.
Roof Moss and Lichen Spray Treatment - Using our commercial grade Kemsol Moss kill which is safe on your gardens as its formulated to target moss and lichen only. Carried out using our commercial moss spraying machine.
Exterior Spider Sprays (Licenced pest controllers) - Get rid of all those exterior creepy crawlies from your home. We provide a full exterior spider and insect spray treatment for your home, Which is formulated to kill all bugs including White Tail Spiders.
Interior Fly and Spider Fogging - A great option for getting rid of those pesky flies and spiders from the interior of your home. Using a commercial grade fogging machine, which is safe around family and pets.
Please feel free to contact us us below or via mobile on 027-380-1188 with any requirements you may have. See some fixed prices attached for our standard services.


Gutter Cleaning
Up to 100sqm House
101sqm - 150sqm House
$145 + GST
$169 + GST
151sqm - 200sqm House
201sqm - 250sqm House
$229 + GST
$199 + GST
251sqm - 300sqm House
$259 + GST
- All carried out using our commericial “gutter vacuum”
- Fixed price standard gutter clean
- Two storey options available
- Some Conditions Apply

Roof Moss Spraying
Up to 120sqm House
121sqm - 150sqm House
151sqm - 200sqm House
201sqm - 250sqm House
251sqm -300sqm House
$179 + GST
$199 + GST
$239 + GST
$259 + GST
$219 + GST

- Carried out using commercial grade Kemsol Moss Kill
- Formulated to kill moss and lichen only, (safe on gardens and plants)
- Suitable for iron, colour steel or tile roofs, One or two storey homes
- Lichen will die over a period of 6-8 weeks and slowly crumble and wash off with rain.
- All carried out by ladder, No need to climb on roofs
- Some Conditions Apply

Pest Control
One or Two storey Hous e
Exterior Spider Spraying
One or Two Storey House
Up to 200sqm House
201sqm - 250sqm House
$199 + GST
$229 + GST
251sqm - 300sqm House
$249 + GST
One or Two storey Hous e
Interior Fly and Spider Fogging
One or Two Storey House
Up to 200sqm House
201sqm -250sqm House
$179 + GST
$199 + GST
251sqm - 300sqm House
$219 + GST
Some Conditions Apply
One or Two storey Hous e
Roof Painting
Up to 110sqm House
111sqm - 140sqm House
$3870 + GST
$4269 + GST
One storey House